Radiohead Starts Work On New Album. Music Nerds Rejoices.
Posted on May 18, 2009 |
What music blogs in their right minds would *not* be talking about this
today I ask you?
Well, let me be music blog #34251 to let you know that yes, Thom Yorke
and the boys are back in the studio working on a new album.
After the awesomeness that was “In Rainbows” back in 2007 and all the
hoopla that came with it (that whole pay-what-you-want business) they
are back in the studio with long time collaborator Nigel Godrich
working on the next opus.
Bassist Colin Greenwood, spoke with BBC Radio 6 at the Great Escape
Music Festival in Brighton this weekend, who was there helping to
launch a new music journal called Loops.
“It was very noisy and chaotic and really fun,” he said.
“It’s at the stage where we’ve got the big Lego box out and we’ve tipped
it out on the floor and we’re just looking at all the bits and thinking
what’s next?”
“I’m very impressed and grateful for Nigel our producer and his ability
to make it all sound vaguely plausible”.
Also from “We’ve just started work [in the studio] last week,
“It’s really cool and everything is sounding great. It’s early days and
it is a bit like having a scrapbook at the moment because everything is
up in the air, but it’s good to be back in the studio.”
They just finished touring South America with their music idols Kraftwerk
and they’ve got a few festival appearances scheduled this summer for
the Leeds and Reading music festival in good ‘ol England.
No release date scheduled for that new album just yet but since they’re
not tied up to a major label anymore and like they did with “In Rainbows”
they could pretty much release it whenever they damn well feel like it
so I wouldn’t be surprise if come fall we have it in our hot little hands.
In the meantime, watch “House Of Cards”, the gorgeous, eerie music video
(and my favorite of 2008) that cannot be seen enough.
Radiohead – “House Of Cards”
Just look at the pretty colors.
Video was shot light and camera-less and it involved cool lasers and shit.
This making-of video will explain all.
Radiohead – Making-of “House Of Cards” video
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Tags: BBC Radio 6 > Colin Greenwood > Great Escape Music Festival > House Of Cards > In Rainbows > Kraftwerk > Leeds > Loops Music Journal > Music Video > New Album > Nigel Godrich > NME > Radiohead > Reading > Thom Yorke
One Response to “Radiohead Starts Work On New Album. Music Nerds Rejoices.”
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June 23rd, 2010 @ 9:09 pm
Hip hip hooray!