Pop Montreal 2011: Or How Arcade Fire Took Over My Week
Posted on September 26, 2011 |
While I missed out on Wednesday’s Metropolis show, I did attend Thursday’s free
downtown show @ Place Des Festivals with 100 000+ of their closest friends to
celebrate Pop and it’s decade of existence:
Then on Saturday, the first annual Pop Vs. Jock Basketball tournament @ McGill University Sports Center.
A charity game organized by the Butler Bros. with friends like Vampire Weekend’s Chris Tomson, Miracle Fortress’s Graham Van Pelt and NBA players like Matt Bonner and Paul Shirley on the Pop Team. On Team Jock, it was a lineup stacked with members of the McGill Redman and Concordia Stingers. Charity is good for the soul, and often gives you a break on your income tax, and what better way to support a good cause then to play a little Basketball.
Entertainment was provided by Régine Chassagne on the organ and by Kid Koala on the decks while Richard Reed Parry was the half-time show with his DRONES/Revelations projects and many many bicycles running in circles.
The ending was quite the nail bitter with Pop taking the first trophy with a 106-100 win over them Jocks.
Concluding last night with the festival’s closing party in Église St-Édouard‘s basement where a “Super Special Guests” was listed on the bill.
It turned out to be Will Butler, Richard Reed Parry, Tim Kingsbury and Jeremy Gara as Phi Slamma Jamma, a cover band of 60’s, punk and country tuneage. The Clash, Devo, Everly Brothers and Ramones were part of the setlist. They hit the stage at midnight and blazed through a 45 minute set of song they had barely just learned the night before.
It was great fun and a nice way to cap off the week.
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Tags: Arcade Fire > Basketball Tournament > Charity Game > Chris Tomson > Church > Closing Party > Concordia Stingers > Cover Band > Eglise St-Édouard > Free Downtown Show > Graham Van Pelt > Jeremy Gara > Live > McGill Redman > McGill University Sports Center > Montreal > Music Festival > Phi Slamma Jamma > Place Des Festivals > Pop Montreal > Pop Vs. Jock > Richard Reed Parry > Side Project > Tim Kingsbury > Video > Will Butler
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