MVs Collection #180

Lion Babe – “Wonder Woman” Directed By Philippa Price. Shamir – “Call It Off” Directed By Philip Hodges. Torche – “Annihilation Affair” Directed By Phil Mucci. Dan Deacon – When I Was Done Dying” Directed By Jake Fried, Chad VanGaalen, Dimitri Stankowicz, Colin White, Taras Hrabowsky, Anthony Schepperd, Masanobu Hiraoka, Caleb Wood, KOKOFREAKBEAN. Chet Faker […]

Lollapalooza 2009 ( Lineup Announced )

Meh. I was waiting to see what the complete lineup would look like and i’m pretty much underwhelmed. On the headliners side, only Depeche Mode and Beastie Boys are worth my time and I’ll be seeing them live a few weeks before Lolla is in full swing. As for the non-headlining bands, Vampire Weekend, Animal […]