MVs Collection #09 ( Sweet, Unabashed Nudity Within! ) NSFW

The Flaming Lips – “Watching The Planets” A throng of hippie boys and girls in a forest, riding bicycles and or walking around in the nude, while carrying around that famous giant plastic bubble the Lips are so fond of with Wayne Coyne trapped inside. If you always wanted to see Coyne’s dangling participle, your […]

Radiohead Starts Work On New Album. Music Nerds Rejoices.

What music blogs in their right minds would *not* be talking about this today I ask you? Well, let me be music blog #34251 to let you know that yes, Thom Yorke and the boys are back in the studio working on a new album. After the awesomeness that was “In Rainbows” back in 2007 […]