AGDFA’s 2013 Year-End Comp Mix

I kind of went nuts with this one. 60 songs in all. Representing a year’s worth of music in 3 most excellent hours. I hope you enjoy it and if it strikes your fancy, do leave a word or two in the comments section below. to my fellow music lovers and loverettes … HAPPY NEW […]

Listen: Hooked On Dirty Airplay: 2012 Year-End Spectacular

Last month, the fellas and I @ CJLO (@omarsonics of Hooked On Sonics and @denisdirtywork of Dirty Work) did our annual year-end spectacular where in 4 continuous hours of airtime, we shared our top 10 albums of the year. A mixture of the usual shoegaze, power pop, punk, hip hop and straight up “indie” music […]

AGDFA’s 2012 Year-End Comp Mix

Voilà! 55 songs encapsulating what the music landscape was for yours truly in 2012. This fourth year-end compilation covers it all. Lemme know what you think of my picks in the comments section and if you so chooses, share your favorite singles of last year aswell. BONNE ANNÉE! AGDFA’s 2012 Year-End Comp Mix. 01. Ringo […]

AGDFA’s 2011 Year-End Comp Mix

HAPPY NEW YEAR! The 3rd go around for my massive year-end compilation. 53 songs! You’re getting 3 more songs then last year! Bringing compilation awesomeness to a Whole. New. Level! Revel in it’s greatness! AGDFA’s 2011 Year-End Comp Mix. 01. The Black Keys – “Lonely Boy” 02. Dinosaur Pile-Up – “Mona Lisa” 03. Foo Fighters […]

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