Brooklyn Bound + A Posies Interviewed
Posted on June 11, 2009 |
As I’m walking out the door, on my way to catch the Northeast bound train to
my debaucherous (one can dream) weekend in New York City, I leave you with my
very first interview with Jon Auer of The Posies.
Psyched! but really it should be up next week along with a review and pix of both shows.
Jon was kind enough to answer a few questions during this busy week in his life
leading up to both said Posies shows this weekend @ The Bell House (June 12) and
the following night @ The Gramercy Theatre.
Their first live performances on North American soil in well over a year and
all this to celebrate the 15th year anniversary of their classic 1993 album
“Frosting On The Beater” which they will perform in it’s entirety
If you still haven’t bought your tickets to this momentous occasion, what
the hell are you waiting for?
If you’re new to The Posies’s music, come check out the album Magnet Magazine
lists as their top 15 power pop albums of all-time.
Can’t make it to NYC this weekend?
You’ll have 2 more chances to see them perform FOTB live this summer.
First one being @ the Taste of Randolph Street Festival in Chicago
June 20th (Tinted Windows and Urge Overkill also on the bill) and
the second @ the Charlotte Pop Fest in Charlotte, North Carolina
which will go down on September 24th.
Jon as a few solo gigs booked up opening for Fountains
Of Wayne on a short July Midwest tour.
Add to that, 2 gigs in his homestate of Washington at the
end of June. Check out for more info on
those upcoming shows.
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Tags: Bell House > Charlotte Pop Fest > Frosting On The Beater > Gramercy Theater > Interview > Jon Auer > Magnet Magazine > Taste Of Randolph Street Festival > The Posies
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