Pop Montreal 2011: Day 4 Picks ( September 24th )

Posted on September 22, 2011 |

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The Vandelles @ Cabaret Du Mile-End / 10:30pm

This Brooklyn foursome are the spawn, offspring, progeny of The Jesus And Mary Chain and Danish duo The Raveonettes if they made sweet, messy love to each other.

Shoegaze meets Surf Rock, for any lovers of crunchy guitars and walls of screeching feedback, bring a good pair of earplugs to this.
[ MySpace / Tickets ]

Redd Kross @ Rialto / 11:30pm

Legendary California band who came up around the same time as seminal bands like Black Flag and Circle Jerks. My love for them is solely based on their 1993 Power Pop release “Phaseshifter”, especially the song “Lady In The Front Row” which I would consider a standard of the genre. Hopefully, they’ll read this and play it just for me cause I’m that special[ MySpace / Tickets ]

Bloodgroup @ Club Lambi / 11:30pm

Every year, There’s always that one discovery I make thanks to the Pop folks and this time around, from the land of the Bjork, it’s Reykjavik Iceland’s Bloodgroup.

Those Icelanders are the masters of cold, pretty sounding electro-pop and Bloodgroup are the new kids on that icey block. It’s a family band, 3 siblings
and a DJ to complete the mix. Lovers of chirpy synths and minimal beats rejoice, this will be your go to band on that night. Good pair of dancing shoes required.
[ MySpace ]

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