AGDFA’s YouTube Goodies #1
Posted on November 30, 2011 |
From the mid-90’s to the mid-00’s, I recorded ALOT of music related footage on tapes. Apparently, I had a lot of free time on my hands.
For the last few months now, I’ve been going through those tapes to see what I
recorded back in those days but also, looking to see what was worth trasfering to DVD.
I found quite a few morcels worthy of that process and I will be posting them
once in awhile.
Jeff Buckley : Interview & Live Performances On Musiqueplus
My biggest find on those tapes is this footage, which probably has not been seen since it first aired.
This happened way back in 1995 when Jeff was still promoting the now classic album “Grace”. He was in town doing a show at the (now destroyed venue) Spectrum.
A show to this day I’m still kicking myself over for not attending.
He stopped by @ Musiqueplus (our french version of MTV) to promote the show and do an interview and a live, in-studio performances of “So Real” and “Lover You Should’ve Come Over”.
This is the edited version. I actually do remember watching it live that night but
sadly, my VCR was not on to record.
Chris Whitley – “Automatic” On The Late Show ( March 19th 1997 )
One of my all-time favorite singer/songwriter would have to be Chris Whitley.
Sadly, he is no longer among us (passed away back in November 2005) but his beautiful music remains. Thankfully, his daughter Trixi, is carrying on the Whitley legacy as a singer in Daniel Lanoie’s current project Black Dub.
This was a performance taped in March 1997 on “The Late Show” promoting the album “Terra Incognita”.
Superdrag – “The Staggering Genius” On Late Night ( September 13th 2002 )
Power Pop Gods Superdrag on the old Consie show, promoting their album
“Last Call For Vitriol” back in September 2002.
Guided By Voices – “Everyone Thinks I’m A Raincloud (when I’m Not Looking)” On Late Night ( December 2nd 2004 )
This performance on “Late Night” was to be their last TV appearance before calling it quits a few weeks later.
It’s a hell of a live version of that song and they went out with a bang but lucky for us,
they reunited last year with the “classic” GBV lineup and on January 24th, a new album titled “Let’s Go Eat the Factory” will be released to the joy of many.
Harvey Danger – “Sad Sweetheart Of The Rodeo” On The Late Late Show ( October 18th 2000 )
On the “Late Late Show”, they performed one of my favorite songs of theirs “Sad Sweetheart of the Rodeo”, from their very underrated album “King James Version” released in 2000.”
People In Planes – “If You Talk Too Much (My Head Will Explode)” On Late Night ( May 17th 2006 )
One of my favorite UK band of the last decade, this was People In Planes
first TV appearance in the Americas performing the first single off their debut album “As Far As The Eye Can See …”.
We haven’t heard much from them since the release of their sophomore
album “Beyond The Horizon” back in 2008 but Wiki tells me an EP
or a third full length is in the works.
Shynola: A Behind The Scenes Look On “The New Music”
Shynola are these 4 english blokes, visual artists based inLondon who did some amazing work in the music video field in the early 00’s.
UNKLE – “Guns Blazing”
Radiohead – “Pyramid Song”
Stephen Malkmus – “Jo Jo’s Jacket”
Queens Of The Stone Age – “Go with The Flow”
The Rapture – “House Of Jealous Lovers“
To list just a few.
This was a behind the scene look shot in 2002 which aired on the Muchmusic show “The New Music” hosted by George Stroumboulopoulos.
Sam The Record Man Bankruptcy – Global News ( October 30th 2001 )
A sad day for us Montrealers when it was announced (10 years ago!) that Sam The Record Man went bankrupt and was shutting down its downtown store. Since that fateful day, my Boxing Days have never been the same.
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Tags: Bankruptcy > Behind The Scenes > Chris Whitley > Conan > Guided By Voices > Harvey Danger > Interviews > Jeff Buckley > Kilborn > Late Late Show > Late Night > Late Show > Letterman > Live Music > Live Performances > Muchmusic > Music Videos > Musiqueplus > Newscast > People In Planes > Sam The Record Man > Shynola > Superdrag > Talk Shows > The New Music > YouTube Goodies
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