Introducing: Young Lungs

Official Website Facebook Twitter This is a bit last minute but a new local band by the name of Young Lungs are making their live debut tomorrow night @ Cagibi. Thursday, November 17 Le Cagibi ( 5490 St Laurent / corner St. Viateur ) I give you the bio: After years of kicking around […]

Introducing: DECADES

Official Website Facebook Twitter I want to welcome Emily to the AGDFA fold. A California native who currently resides in New York City, she will from time to time tell you what’s the happy haps in hipster central a.k.a. Brooklyn. For my first AGDFA contribution as your Brooklyn correspondent, I’m excited to present to you […]

Introducing: Aim Low

Bandcamp Facebook Twitter Pauly here, wanting to give you the 514 on this brand new local band on zee scene. A trio of Shoegazers/Noise Poppers/Droners made up of O.H. (guitar / effects / vocals) D.A. (guitar / effects / bass / vocals) and  L.F. (bowed bass / laptop / guitar / effects /  vocals). They […]