AGDFA’s 2017 Year-End Comp Mix
This yearly tradition (6 years running) goes on despite the fact i’ve been pretty quiet on the podcast front. Actually, these 60 songs would’ve made the cut and been part of episodes I would’ve recorded for you fine people. Instead, you get them all in one GIANT stew of Rock, Shoegaze, Hip Hop, Electro and Sad Bastard […]
AGDFA’s 2016 Year-End Comp Mix
2016 will go down as one of the shittiest and deadliest when it comes to our favorite music purveyors. Regardless of those sad facts, it was a goddamn good year for music. Here be, my annual compilation (stuck with the 65 songs format) that reflects my musical journey throughout those last 365 days. Enjoy. Bonne […]
AGDFA’s 2015 Year-End Comp Mix
My 2015 encapsulated in 65 songs. Basically, if you’ve never listened to my podcast (and if not, what the hell!?), this represents everything I loved in the last 12 months. Sonically displaying what my musical tastes are all about. So, if you end up digging this 3 hour + musical orgy of goodness, download my […]
AGDFA’s 2014 Year-End Comp Mix
Second year in a row I went with the 60 songs format. 3 and a half hours worth of music i’ve been digging on all year long. Added bonus: I re-uploaded last year’s compilation. I give because i each and every one of you. HAPPY NEW YEAR! to all you scamps outthere. — > […]
AGDFA’s 2014 Xmas Mix
Here be my second annual AGDFA’s Xmas Mix. 14 songs in all. Mostly new, some old. Want more? SO MUCH MORE? I have for you last year’s mix right HERE and check out all my previous Christmas podcasts: # 21, 48, 70, 90, 108, 123, 134 and 143. Hours of Yuletide fun to put in […]
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