My Year-End Lists Of 2015
Failure. Their album was not. 19 years between their last release, 1996’s “Fantastic Planet”, a masterpiece of a rock album and “The Heart Is A Monster”. The musical chemistry between Ken Andrews, Greg Edwards and Kellii Scott still very much potent after all these years. I am in awe of these people. May they stay […]
AGDFA’s 2014 Year-End Comp Mix
Second year in a row I went with the 60 songs format. 3 and a half hours worth of music i’ve been digging on all year long. Added bonus: I re-uploaded last year’s compilation. I give because i each and every one of you. HAPPY NEW YEAR! to all you scamps outthere. — > […]
My Year-End Lists Of 2014
If 2013 was the year I found the beat, 2014 was back to basic Rock N’ Roll. I knew The Lees Of Memory‘s debut album would be #1 on my list. Even from way back in January and definitely when it dropped back in September. There’s not one thing frontman/singer-songwriter John Davis as ever put […]
MVs Collection #171 ( Best Of 2014 )
Over the last few years, I’ve kept my blogging to my podcasts and my love of music videos. Back in the day, on Muchmusic, I would watch on a weekly basis “The Wedge” which was our “120 Minutes” here in Canada. Sadly, the show met it’s end earlier this year after an on and off […]
Listen: Hooked On Dirty Airplay: 2013 Year-End Spectacular
As per the end of every calendar year, the manly men of @CJLO1690AM (@omarsonics of Hooked On Sonics and @denisdirtywork of Dirty Work) and I came together on the holiest of days that is Boxing Day here in Canuckland so that we could share our favorite albums of the year. We listed 10 albums each […]
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