Listen: CJLO’s Dirty Work / Hooked On Sonics (March 12th 2015)

Been awhile since I posted one of my monthly appearances on the inseparable team that is @denisdirtywork and @omarsonics on their respective @CJLO1690AM shows Dirty Work and Hooked On Sonics. Things discussed on last night’s shows: * My wanting to go to SXSW 2015 but failed miserably. * How hipsters love their Tame Impala. * […]

Listen: CJLO’s Dirty Work / Hooked On Sonics ( December 11th 2014 )

Last Thursday, I skedaddled to Concordia’s Loyola Campus for a hang with the CJLO 1690AM Thursday afternoon crew Denis of Dirty Work (@denisdirtywork) and Omar Goodness of Hooked On Sonics (@omarsonics). On air that afternoon were the very hyper “Carlos” and the cool as a cucumber “Sparky”, new producers of both shows, Nana of “Nana […]

Listen: Hooked On Dirty Airplay: 2013 Year-End Spectacular

As per the end of every calendar year, the manly men of @CJLO1690AM (@omarsonics of Hooked On Sonics and @denisdirtywork of Dirty Work) and I came together on the holiest of days that is Boxing Day here in Canuckland so that we could share our favorite albums of the year. We listed 10 albums each […]

Listen: CJLO’s Hooked On Sonics ( July 25th 2013 )

Had been more then a year since I hung out with my buddy Omar (@omarsonics) on his show. We had a blast. Amazing music was played as you can clearly see from this playlist: Download Link — > ( ) Girls Against Boys (60 Is Stronger Than 15) Metz (Can’t Understand) Magneta Lane (Burn) […]

Listen: Hooked On Dirty Airplay: 2012 Year-End Spectacular

Last month, the fellas and I @ CJLO (@omarsonics of Hooked On Sonics and @denisdirtywork of Dirty Work) did our annual year-end spectacular where in 4 continuous hours of airtime, we shared our top 10 albums of the year. A mixture of the usual shoegaze, power pop, punk, hip hop and straight up “indie” music […]

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