Listen: Hooked On Dirty Airplay: 2013 Year-End Spectacular

As per the end of every calendar year, the manly men of @CJLO1690AM (@omarsonics of Hooked On Sonics and @denisdirtywork of Dirty Work) and I came together on the holiest of days that is Boxing Day here in Canuckland so that we could share our favorite albums of the year. We listed 10 albums each […]

Listen: Hooked On Dirty Airplay 90s Classique Special Extravaganza! Part Deux!

Too many false starts and scheduling conflicts to count since the first show went live but we finally got our act together and recorded a sequel you wanted, nay, demanded. Denis of Dirty Work, Mr. Omar Goodness of Hooked On Sonics, and I finally assembled at the CJLO studio a week before leaving for the […]

Listen: CJLO’s Hooked On Sonics ( July 25th 2013 )

Had been more then a year since I hung out with my buddy Omar (@omarsonics) on his show. We had a blast. Amazing music was played as you can clearly see from this playlist: Download Link — > ( ) Girls Against Boys (60 Is Stronger Than 15) Metz (Can’t Understand) Magneta Lane (Burn) […]

Listen: Hooked On Dirty Airplay: 2012 Year-End Spectacular

Last month, the fellas and I @ CJLO (@omarsonics of Hooked On Sonics and @denisdirtywork of Dirty Work) did our annual year-end spectacular where in 4 continuous hours of airtime, we shared our top 10 albums of the year. A mixture of the usual shoegaze, power pop, punk, hip hop and straight up “indie” music […]

Listen: CJLO’s Dirty Work – May 24thth 2012

I haven’t posted a Dirty Work episode in awhile and it’s a good thing that Denis recently hooked me up with a recording of my appearance back in the month of May because I felt you were missing out. Am I right people? This was a supersized Dirty Work as we took the reins from […]

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